Mofolo Woyera Parish in the Diocese of Mangochi: preparation for the opening of World Mission Month 2022
The Catholic Church in the whole world every year, celebrates October as a Missionary Month: a month of prayer, praying for the activities of the Catholic Church; teaching people about their missionary obligation in the whole world and collecting money for the missionary activities of the Church.
In a press briefing organized by the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) Presiding over by Bishop Montfort Stima, ECM Vice Chairman, Catholics have been reminded that during the October mission Month, the following activities are to happen:
1. Praying for the evangelization activities and personnel of the Church so that the work of preaching the gospel is successful in all countries and continents.
2. Teaching and reminding the members of the Catholic Church about their mission and baptismal obligations of preaching the gospel in the whole world through prayer, services and financial sacrifices.
3. Collecting money for the evangelization activities of the Church in the whole world.
In addition, the Church in Malawi would like to:
1. Contribute towards improving the social-economic challenges of our country and other countries that are going through various problems.
2. Continue preaching the gospel of salvation and build the Kingdom of God through strong Catholic faith communities in the next 50, 100 and 500 years.
3. Every Catholic to understand and renew their commitment in doing missionary work.
4. Increase missionary collections.
During this mission month, the Church is also celebrating four missionary anniversaries:
- 400 years of the High office in Vatican of Congregation of the Evangelization of peoples (Propaganda Fidei) established by Pope Gregory XV.
- 200 years of the establishment of the 1st Society (Bungwe) for Propagation of Faith (in the whole world) started by a young lady Blessed Pauline Jaricot.
- 100 years of the established of an office of Pontifical Missionary Societies (PMS) in the Congregation of Evangelization of Peoples.
- 150 years of the birth of Blessed Paulo Manna who started the fourth society of PMS, called the Pontifical Missionary Union in 1916.
The climax of the October mission Month and Four missionary anniversaries will be celebrated on the World Mission Sunday that falls on 23 October. This celebration will take place in Catholic Parish Communities in the whole world.