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«The Church is missionary by her very nature, since it is from the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit that she draws her origin, in accordance with the decree of God the Father» (Ad Gentes, 2).

This message is fundamental for the life of the Church.

From the understanding of the power of Baptism, which confers communion with Christ and with our brothers and sisters to every baptized person, the desire to participate in the Church's mission is born inside us.

Since it is the work of God in human history, mission is not a simple instrument, but an event that prompts everyone to welcome and serve the Gospel. By virtue of this, the missionary mandate is expressed by each baptized in the witness of life, with the proclamation of the Gospel, with participation in the life of the local Churches, with the willingness to be a leaven of good wherever one lives, with dialogue, the formation of consciences, the deepening of Christian values, closeness to the least and the tangible service of charity.

The birth of the Pontifical Mission Societies has its origins from the Pentecost of the Spirit which, with its charisms, has made us understand and carry out Societies for the Mission. Two women (Pauline Marie Jaricot, Jeanne Bigard), a Bishop (Charles de Forbin-Janson) and a priest (Fr. Paolo Manna) became the charismatic Founders of a great movement for missionary cooperation in the Church.