Today, 05th February 2023, 5th ordinary Sunday, the Catholic Church in the whole world celebrated the Pontifical Holy Childhood Society Sunday in the spirit of prayer and charity for the growth in faith and the welfare of children.
The Catholic Church in Namibia joined the Universal Church to celebrate the missionary children Sunday, offering prayers and charity for the welfare and interests of children.
Holy Redeemer Parish/Katutura, Andara, Tondoro, Aminus, Outjo/St. Michael, Ongwediva, Rehoboth & Keetmanshoop, among others, are reported to have celebrated the Children's Sunday on a high note. All of us, the clergy, the religious and the laity (people of God) are all encouraged to respond enthusiastically to the call of being witnesses to proclaim Christ. By so doing, we become "salt to the earth and light to the world" as Jesus teaches in today's gospel of Matthew. Therefore, let us pray that the missionary and pastoral work of the church bears much fruits.
By Fr. Mathias N. Tshithigona Omi, National Director of Pontificial Mission Societies Namibia