During October, 2022 as “Mission Month" may our SCC Members be inspired by Pope Francis: “During this month of October and prayer for the Mission of the Catholic Church, let us learn to cultivate moments of silence and of contact with the Lord so that he might inspire us with the ways and means to be always faithful to our vocation as missionary disciples.”
From 26th September 2022 to 30th September 2022 at Watakatifu Wote pastoral centre in Ngong, the Fidei Donum priests gave testimonies and experiences of their mission in marginal territories and the joy of serving the people of God.
"We are ordained priests to serve the universal church. We are consecrated to serve the universal church. Therefore, our witness is at personal level to all baptised christians to go to mission by giving and to give to mission by going. We pray that more christians will take this dimension in life because the Church is missionary by nature and her identity and vocation proper is to proclaim the Good News to the ends of the earth."
Theme of this year's meeting is witnessing in a synodal church for a clean environment. For a priest, the call to go is key. Here we are Lord, Send me. Is the adequate response.
Reflection on how to live October as a missionary month as well as the month of the Holy Rosary.
Guided by the theme of the World's Mission Sunday 2022: "You shall be my witness" (Acts 1:8), from 1st october 2022 to 30th october 2022 the PMS family in Kenya joind together to pray the mission rosary.
We look at Mary as a model for missionaries. May our mother Mary accompany us in prayer as we pray for all missionaries and mission territories that yearn to hear and receive the word of God.
Happy Mission Month...
... be my witness!