
Preparations are in top gear for the celebration of World Mission Sunday which comes up on 22nd October, 2023. The National Office started the preparation for World Mission Sunday in June 2023. We produced animations materials which were distribution to all the 58 Dioceses of the Country and one moronite eparchy.

The Pope’s message was translated into four major Nigeria Languages for easy understanding and digestion. The National Director produced a short video and jingle about the mission month and mission Sunday.

In preparation for the mission month, we started a novena on 22nd October, 2023. We had online meeting of PMS directors during which we discussed on how to animate the people of God on the mission Sunday. We drafted activities which will be carried out in the mission month of October. There will be daily recitation of mission rosary and talks on different topics related to mission.

The National Office and diocesans Offices are set to use the social media such as TV, WhatsApp, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook to promote the Mission Sunday Celebration.   

The National celebration will be in the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria which will be Aired live on AIT and Catholic Television. The Mass will be celebrated by the Bishop of Kafanchan Most Rev. Julius Yakubu Kundi

The Church in Nigeria will conclude the mission month with the 5th National Mission Congress in Owerri. It will take place from 24th to 27th October 2023. The National Mission Congress will be an opportunity for the Church in Nigeria to reflect and evaluate missionary athnies in Nigeria.