Celebration of the Feast of Santo Niño and Holy Childhood Sunday, January 16, 2022

Celebration of the Feast of Santo Niño and Holy Childhood Sunday, January 16, 2022


Dear Rev Father:

A hope filled new year!

Although we continue walking in "the dark valley of death," yet, we continue giving our best in doing what we have to do, knowing that the Good Shepherd is at our side (cf Ps 23:4). With St Paul we humbly but confidently, gratefully and defiantly exclaim. “I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me." (Phil 4 13)

Despite the countless losses, we affirm with Pope Francis that “Children are a blessing for humanity and for the Church, bringing new life and energy to families and society." (General Audience, St Peter's Square, March 18, 2015) Sadly, though, it is the children who are always among the most vulnerable and the most affected when calamities happen. As servant-leaders, it behooves us to echo Pope Francis “The Church offers her maternal care to all children and their families, and gives them the blessing of Jesus. May we take care of our children, without counting the cost, so that they may never believe themselves to be mistakes, but always know their infinite worth." (General Audience, St Peter's Square, April 8, 2015)

In the midst of the aftermath of super typhoon Odette, and in the face of the ongoing surge of the Omicron variant, may we and the people of God entrusted to our pastoral care be blessed, nevertheless, in many different ways: and may we continue to offer - no matter how humble these may be - spiritual, moral and financial supports for the children. Incidentally, these past many years, most if not all, of our collections, for the solidarity fund of the Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood primarily benefit Filipino children. Other countries continue to their part of their annual collections to Filipino children.

Please find attached the e-poster for the celebration of the Feast of Sto. Niño, Holy Childhood Sunday. Kindly share this e-poster to as many individuals, communities and institutions as possible.

Maraming salamat po’ (Thank you very much)

Praying for you and your mission. I remain

Sincerely yours.

Msgr. Esteban U. Lo, LRMS, National Director Philippines