The PMS National Direction in Egypt with the support and collaboration of PMU organized a missionary formation course for about 100 young people in Egypt on the theme “Together in the Footsteps of Emmaus,” which took place from February 24 to 27, 2022 in Durunka, Diocese of Asyut.
On the first day, Fr. Andraws Fahmi, PMS National Director presented the Pontifical Mission Societies; then, Fr. Mettaos Adib, Director of the Catechetical Institute and parish priest of Asyut, explained the current challenges facing the mission today, starting from Christ’s mandate to the disciples, passing through the Second Vatican Council, up to the present day: spiritual life, economic life, mass media, divisions within Christianity, etcThen, the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Nicolas Thevenin, spoke about the mission of the Church and the Pontifical Mission Societies. Finally, Brother Mina Anwar, a young Egyptian from the Comboni community shared his mission experiences in Zambia and Kenya.
On the second day, the presentation of Mgr. Thomas Habib, Bishop of Sohag, spoke on the theme “Mission and Church at the time of Evangelii Gaudium” and opened the debate on the missionary situation in Egypt and the role of the local Church. Then, Fr. Pios Farag, Director of the Office for Human Development in Giza, illustrated the role of community sharing in missionary activity and the need for Christian morality in the encounter. The youth participated concretely in the catechetical activities of five parishes and visited the faithful in their homes.
On the third day with Mr. Roger Raaf, starting with a meditation on the account of the disciples of Emmaus, emphasized the importance of deep listening, the search for truth and the rediscovery of the richness of the other. Then, Fr. Emad Kamil illustrated the various motivations behind missionary activity: the spiritual motivation that results from the encounter with God in our neighbor; the joy and pleasure of living together; the happiness of moving forward together with our neighbor; and finally, the participation in Christ’s salvation through our neighbor.