Project of the Apostolic Vicariate of Inirida<br> Early childhood dining room.

Project of the Apostolic Vicariate of Inirida
Early childhood dining room.


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Purchase of food for children under 5 years, running of common canteens for 8 months per year (5 days a week).

These canteens are "providential" and necessary especially in the remote areas of our Vicariate where the children suffer for shortage of food due to poverty.

Recipients of the project: 200 children of preschool age.

According to official statistics published by the Holy See in 2020, the Apostolic Vicariate of Inirida has a surface area of 86,000 km2, 43.850 inhabitants,  13.500 Catholics, 5 parishes, 8 churches/chapels, 2 diocesan priests, 11 religious priests, 3 seminarians, 11 religious brothers, 11 religious sisters, 59 schools.


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Together we can change many stories.

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