“The Pontifical Mission Societies are a worldwide network of prayer and charity at the service of the Holy Father, in his support of missionary activity and Young Churches in mission lands”
Watch the video"The PMS are and must be experienced as an instrument of service for the mission of the particular Churches, against the backdrop of the mission of the universal Church"
(Pope's Message to the Pontifical Mission Societies, 21 May 2020)Missionary societies were born spontaneously, from the missionary fervor expressed by the faith of the baptized
A single inspiration animates four Societies:
Holy childhood
Children pray for children
children evangelize children
children help children
Missionary Union
Forms Christians in the missionary commitment of their faith
St. Peter the Apostle
supports vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in mission territories
Propagation of the faith
involves every baptized person in cooperating in the work of evangelization and in supporting young churches
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