“Anak Misioner Bersahabat, Terlibat, Menjadi Berkat” - “Missionary Children are Friendly, Involved, Become a Blessing”

“Anak Misioner Bersahabat, Terlibat, Menjadi Berkat” - “Missionary Children are Friendly, Involved, Become a Blessing”


Greetings missionary,

Greetings to all animators/accompanists and missionary youth and their families wherever they are. May everyone always be healthy and safe in the protection of the Lord God, protector and fortress for all of us.

Next week, in the Church's liturgical calendar, we will enter the liturgical celebration of the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The National Bureau Pontifical Mission Societies Indonesia has prepared materials for Child Faith Development fomation - World Missionary Children's Day (SEKAMI) at Ordinary Sunday, January 15 2023 with the theme: "Show and proclaim Jesus".

In the situation and condition of handling the Covid-19 pandemic which is getting better, we are always carrying out activities according to health protocols. We also hope and pray that with all the continued efforts of every country and citizen in this world, the Covid-19 Virus pandemic will end soon.

"The God who began a good work among us will finish it" (Phil 1:6).

Thank you, National Bureau Team Pontifical Mission Societies Indonesia.

January 8, 2023 – Solemnity of the Lord's Apparition World Missionary Children's Day


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