
... Mission is our identity and vocation proper as the Catholic Church, mandated by Jesus Christ himself when he commanded us to go and make disciples, (Mt 28:19) and the true reality is that this Mission is still far from completion.

For the Mission entrusted to the Church to succeed, we need to engage the Holy Spirit in prayer and sacrifices through our donations in charity for the local Churches in geographical peripheries as well as existential peripheries. That is why, the PMS, being the worldwide network of prayer and charity for the Holy Father, supports these Churches in marginal areas through these offerings we receive from the Christians in our dioceses.

Unfortunately, the year 2020 was a tough year for everybody due to the Covid 19 pandemic that destabilized the social, economic and religious functions in the whole world. This led to loss of lives and livelihoods and we are alt alive to this fact. This is the sad reality that we have to live with. But all hope is not lost, wo have an opportunity to redeem the situation by coming together as people of God with a big heart and support the Holy Father in his work of Evangelization by praying daily the Missionary Rosary as a means of imploring God to send us the Holy Spirit to come to our aid. 

The World Mission Sunday will be celebrated in all local Catholic Churches around the world on 24 October 2021. The theme the Holy Father has chosen this year is: "We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20). Kindly, let us gather as a family of God in our Archdioceses/Dioceses, parishes and Small Christian Communities, or groups of lay faithful to pray the Missionary Rosary for our Missionaries working in remote areas and donate generously for this noble cause to the Holy Father through the PMS.

Fr. Bonaventure Luchidio, National Director PMS, Kenya