Monday, October 30, 2023
Rom 8:12-17;
Ps 67;
Lk 13:10-17
The great drama of a woman who had been ill for 18 years. Her suffering was twofold, not only physical but also spiritual. She was a slave to the spirit of helplessness, chained by it and bent over. Instead of the Spirit of God was in her the Spirit of him who seeks at all costs to destroy the image and likeness of God in us. Therefore, the poor woman, she could not stand up straight, looking up to heaven. She was focusing on herself and worldly things. Freedom is only in the Spirit of God. Only He can free us from fear, anxiety and spiritual depression. Only the Holy Spirit enables us to look to heaven with the joy and freedom of a child of God.
Jesus freed the woman from her spirit of helplessness; He restored her dignity. But the good that was done did not please everyone. The cold rules of the Law wanted to override a human and natural attitude of the heart: to help one’s neighbor. Jesus did not get involved in the discussion. He demonstrated their hypocrisy with simple arguments, and his words reached those who murmured to such an extent that they were shamed. A disciple-missionary is one who looks to heaven, focuses on God and not on himself, and by His grace is able to show people the truth of the gospel to which he is a witness through calm speech. The disciple-missionary does not forget his dignity as a child of God and tries to remember it and give it back to others. There are so many in the world today who are slaves to their own selfishness, desire for power, possession, money. They have forgotten who they are; they only remember what they have. Our task is to bring them the spirit of the Gospel of God. It is not an easy task, but we are not alone. By our side is the One through whom we cry out to God, “Abba, Father!”