Colombia, protagonist of this year's Polish Star Singers activity

21 December 2023

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For 30 years, at Christmas time, from 26 December onwards, hundreds of children, parents, and animators have participated in the activity proposed by the Polish Pontifical Missionary Societies (PMS), becoming Star Singers.

As "special envoys" of the Holy Father, these children, by singing and performing, evangelize and, above all, sensitize the people they meet to the needs of the world's youngest children. They go from house to house, from family to family, from one hospital bed to another, they bring the message of Christmas, reminding those who are sad, lost and discouraged that God became Man to be closer to each one of us.

"The charisma and task of the PMS is missionary animation and formation, and this is what our Star Singers do. During the Advent season they form themselves, then take their message of joy to others. Just as every missionary never sets out alone and is always sent by the church community, this also applies to our singers. At the local level it is a mission in the parish community; when the parish priest presents the groups of singers to the parishioners, he says a special prayer over them and, in the name of the Church, sends them out to preach the Gospel. But the sending does not end there. It also has a universal dimension. The Missionary Star Singers always act in the name of the Holy Father. It is the Dicastery for Evangelization that assigns a country and projects to carry out. The Holy Father knows the activity of the singers in the various countries, and every year, on 6 January, he greets them in a special way", explains the national director of the Polish PMS, Father Maciej Będziński.

Last year, the Polish PMS, through the various activities of the Pontifical Society of Missionary Childhood, including that of the Star Singers, managed to collect offerings that, through the Dicastery for Evangelization, reached nine countries (Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Peru, India, Lebanon, Papua New Guinea) and contributed to 79 different educational and health promotion projects for children and young people up to 14 years of age. "I was so happy to have been a missionary star singer, even though I was tired and my legs were sore at the end of the day! I am happy to have helped the children of Papua New Guinea," says Emilka from St Florian Parish in Sosnowiec. "This year was my second year as a Star Singer. I saw so much emotion and joy in those we met," adds Kinga from the diocese of Pelplin. "What I enjoyed most was visiting many homes. It was an amazing experience for me," emphasizes Sebastian from Leśno. 

This year, the project of the Star Singers will focus on Colombia and the different needs of children in that country. "As missionary singers and as those who will welcome the singers this year, let us truly feel that we are collaborators with Pope Francis in the work of evangelization of the world," concludes Sister Monika Juszka RMI, national secretary of the Pontifical Society of Missionary Childhood in Poland.