Saturday, October 21, 2023
Rm 4:13, 16-18;
Ps 104;
Lk 12:8-12
It is said that true friendship is recognized in the difficulties of life (“A friend in need is a friend indeed”!). And it is equally true that there are very few who are willing to be friends with someone who is in trouble. This is even more accentuated when our suffering is caused by a friend! The Gospel speaks of this today. Being friends of Jesus, being his disciples and missionaries, means exposing ourselves and accepting in advance the consequences of this friendship. Professing Christians and being missionaries of the Gospel is sometimes seen with respect, in some cases with admiration. However, in other circumstances, being on Jesus’ side also exposes one to risks, such as not being understood and accepted. In some radical cases, it even means being persecuted. Jesus said, “If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you” (Jn 15:20), so get ready! In these trials, we are called to be faithful and not to be discouraged. We have to do our best trusting that in this effort which may seem superhuman, we are not alone. The Lord with his grace supports us and does not allow us to be tested beyond our strength. If with our prayers we often remember those who are in trial and tribulations by invoking perseverance in trials, let us also ask for this same perseverance for us in the moments in which trials and difficulties touch us, without ever getting discouraged, but trusting ever more in the Lord and in His strength.