Wednesday, October 25, 2023
XXIX Week of Ordinary Time - Year A
Rom 6:12-18;
Ps 123;
Lk 12:39-48
Peter asked, “Lord, is this parable meant for us or for everyone?” Sometimes we act like Peter. We listen to sermons, messages from the pope, the bishops, the pastor. Maybe we also read Church documents and think that these words are not meant for us, but for someone else. “Let someone else take care of it.” “Let someone else live this way.” From the faith, morals and tradition of the Church we choose only what suits us. But the time will come to do something more. We still have time. Maybe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or ten years from now. But God’s grace is always linked to an event. The Lord God gives grace “at the appropriate time,” here and now, because for Him it is always NOW. And NOW He is waiting for our response, our commitment and our being “on His side.” We Christians have been given much: the grace of faith, the sacraments, the Word of God, the commandments, clear instructions for living. Therefore, much is required of us. Others who look at us have every right to expect us to show how to be CHRISTIAN, how to be of CHRIST. If you are baptized, you are a “disciple-missionary,” a witness to Christ, and others are watching you, looking to you.
Of the nearly eight billion people on earth, more than five and a half billion have not yet experienced this grace, have never heard of Jesus, have not yet been reached by any missionaries. It is therefore the duty of us Christians to pray and work together so that each of our brothers and sisters on this earth may experience that they are wanted, loved and chosen by God.