Monday, October 9, 2023

10 October 2023

St. Dionysius, Bishop and Companions Martyrs; St. John Leonardi, Priest

Joh 1:1-2,1,11;

From Joh;

Lk 10:25-37

“Go and do likewise” - this is a task Jesus left not only to a person asking the Master “who is my neighbor,” but to each of us. The road from Jerusalem to Jericho, in fact, does not differ much from the streets of our cities and villages, nor from the stairways of houses and the corridors of hospitals. How many people live in these places, half are dead - without help and support, alone. So close to us and so far from our hearts. Sometimes it is difficult for us to be good to these people. It is much easier to take the attitude of a priest or a Levite, passing by and moving on. How often we justify our hearts by saying, “There are several institutions to help -- let others take care of this man!” Jesus calls us today to keep our eyes open to other people, those who need our support and love. The Good Samaritan did not wonder whether the man deserved such a fate or not. He took pity on him, cared for him and showed mercy: he became a true neighbor. Today’s parable teaches that love transcends all ethnic, social and religious differences. And that every man deserves love, no matter who he is or what life he has led up to that point. That is why Jesus repeats, “Go and do likewise.”