Let us pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and their families

01 August 2020

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The Holy Father addressed those working in the maritime world and their families on June 17: "These are difficult times for the world, because we are dealing with the suffering caused by the coronavirus. Your work as seafarers and fishermen has become even more important to ensure food and other basic necessities for the great human family. We are grateful to you for this. Also because you are a very exposed category. In the last few months your life and your work have changed considerably and you have faced - and still face - many sacrifices, long periods of absence on board ships without being able to go ashore. The distance from family members, friends and one owns country, the fear of contagion, all these elements are a tiring burden to carry, now more than ever".

The Pope wishes to let them know that they are not forgotten: "Your work at sea often keeps you away, but you are present in my prayers and in my thoughts, as well as in those of the chaplains and volunteers of the “Stella Maris”. The Gospel itself reminds us of this when it speaks to us of Jesus with his first disciples, who were all fishermen, like you. Today I wish to send you a message and a prayer of hope, a prayer of comfort and consolation against all adversities and at the same time I encourage all those who work with you in the pastoral care of seafarers" .

Let us pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and their families