Day of Prayer for priestly sanctification
On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Day for the Sanctification of Priests is also celebrated, established 25 years ago by John Paul II who wrote: "Holy Thursday, bringing us back to the origins of our priesthood, also reminds us of the duty to strive for holiness, to be «ministers of holiness» towards the men and women entrusted to our pastoral service. In this light, the proposal, put forward by the Congregation for the Clergy, to celebrate a "Day for the Sanctification of Priests" in each diocese on the occasion of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, or on another date more in line with the pastoral needs, traditions of the place. I make this proposal mine, hoping that this Day will help priests to live in an ever fuller conformation to the heart of the Good Shepherd". It is a day of meditation and prayer to remember that priests are at the service of the people of God, animated by the love of Christ. Pope Francis with a tweet underlined: "I invite you to pray for priests, so that through your prayer the Lord strengthens them in their vocation, comforts them in their ministry and may always be ministers of the joy of the Gospel for all peoples".