Pope's prayer intention for October: every baptized person may be engaged in evangelization

The initiatives of the missionary October

01 October 2021

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The general call to be missionaries is the heart of the prayer intention that Pope Francis entrusts for the month of October: "We pray that every baptized person may be engaged in evangelization, available to the mission, by being witnesses of a life that has the flavor of the Gospel".

The month of October which opens with the liturgical memorial of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, Universal Patroness of the Missions (October 1st), is precisely the month dedicated in particular to the Mission of the Church with the celebration of World Mission Day, on the penultimate Sunday of the month. 

Witness is the leitmotif of the message that the Pope has chosen this year for the Day, "We cannot be silent about what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20), where we remember the people who with their witness of life help us on our Christian journey.

No one is excluded from God's mercy and this theme is highlighted in a video produced by some national PMS Directions that gives a voice to the thousands of women and men on mission in the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8h8HXNBskc&list=PLvTQ_o7P68LP9HD12KDSiZmM1BhB9oHOg

In preparation for World Mission Sunday, initiatives are fervent in all continents, despite the persistence of the pandemic which in some countries still hits hard: for example, the continental coordination of the Pontifical Mission Societies of America has provided training material, prayer schemes for liturgical animation , themes for reflection resulting from the joint work 

of the National Directions of the continent; in Uganda, new forms of media are increasingly used, which kept the community united during lockdown, both in terms of missionary animation and prayer and fundraising activities; in Switzerland, the Missionary October is an opportunity to get closer to the Church in Vietnam; in India, despite the difficulties linked to the pandemic, more awareness and communication actions have been launched; in Australia, the Day will be lived with particular sensitivity towards the work of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd in Thailand, in support of children from vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds through the Kindergarten Center. 

Alongside all the activities at a national level dedicated to the Missionary Month and World Mission Day, every day an in-depth study dedicated to the founder of the Work of the Propagation of the Faith will be published on this site in the news section from October 1st: “Getting to know Pauline Maria Jaricot better and meditating on the mission of the Church” and a meditation on the Liturgy of the day.