Pauline Jaricot: Pauline Jaricot: the latest initiatives of the PMS France
July 22 will mark the 222nd anniversary of the birth of the Venerable Pauline Marie Jaricot, foundress of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, soon to be elevated to the company of the blessed by the decision of Pope Francis.
The National Direction in France is keeping her memory alive by various initiatives, including a website dedicated to Pauline and available in six languages, the latest of which being Maltese: http://paulinejaricot.opm-france.org/.
Also of note, is a video produced by the French National Direction and posted in eight languages on Youtube, entitled Pauline Jaricot, creativity at the service of the Universal Church.
That National Direction also plans to produce a feature film and a new comic book about her life.
Also worthy of mention is an exhibition in Lyon of objects sent back to Lyon by missionaries in Africa, Asia, America and Oceania that were supported by Pauline Jaricot and the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. From now to May 8, 2022, one can visit the "Jusqu'au bout du monde, regards missionnaires" exhibition at the Musée des Confluences in Lyon. On display are objects collected by missionaries and their stories with extensive references to ethnology, linguistics, cartography, zoology and other scientific disciplines that originated in or benefited from the work of the missionaries:: https://www.opm-france.org/expo-jusquau-bout-du-monde-regards-missionnaires/.