Celebrating the 150th birthday of Blessed Paolo Manna

16 January 2022

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The Relevance of Missionary Activities: Blessed Paolo Manna and the Contemporary World 


Events organized by the Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU)/Pontifical Mission Societies and the International Center for Mission and Formation (CIAM)  in collaboration with the Association of priests and religious brothers and sisters of Myanmar in Rome, the National Direction of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Myanmar, and the Pontifical Urban College. 


Due to the limited availability of seats and in compliance with the rules to prevent COVID-19 spread, those who wish to participate in person for one or both events are kindly requested to send an email to pum@org.va. Online participation via Zoom is open to all and events can also be followed on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/JesuitYouthMyanmar/


Evening 1 (15/01) 


Meeting ID: 858 2156 0949 Passcode: 4Dy4yP 


Evening 2 (16/01) 


Meeting ID: 894 4374 8654 Passcode: WEt1k2 

Fr. Dinh Anh Nhue NGUYEN, OFMConv., PUM Secretary General


Celebrating the 150th birthday of Blessed Paolo Manna

Celebrating the 150th birthday of Blessed Paolo Manna

Fr. Manna’s Missionary Activity in Myanmar: Historical Notes and Reflection on the Present Situation. Fr. Dinh Anh Nhue Nguyen and Sr. Monika Juszka
Father Manna and the Promotion of Mission and of PMS in Italy: Historical Notes and the Importance of a Renewed Evangelical Missionary Zeal for Today.
Rosary for Myanmar
International Center on Missionary Animation (CIAM) - Rome