La missione della Chiesa universale. Prospettiva Orientale - The Mission of the Universal Church. An Oriental Perspective
PRESENTATION of the book:
La missione della Chiesa universale. Prospettiva Orientale / The Mission of the Universal Church. An Oriental Perspective
(Edited by the Pontifical Missionary Union. Editors: Ebralidze Leonide Beka, Marani Germano)
Preface by: Dal Toso Giampietro
The Second Vatican Council and the post Vatican Council Popes have emphasized that the Church is missionary by nature. This nature is also present in the Churches of Eastern tradition, whether or not they are in full communion with the Church of Rome. Aim and merit of this Volume is that of highlighting precisely how the missionary nature is also an integral part of the Churches that are not of Latin tradition.
It is historical and also theological observation. The Oriental Churches help us see the mission in its great Trinitarian and cosmological horizon, which can well complement the Western vision that is rather ecclesiological.
His Eminence Leonardo Cardinal SANDRI, Dicastery for the Eastern Churches
His Eminence Luis Antonio Gokim Cardinal TAGLE, Dicastery for Evangelization
His Excellency Bishop Giampietro DAL TOSO, President of the Pontifical Mission Societies
Rev. Dinh Anh Nhue NGUYEN, OFM Conv, Secretary General of the Pontifical Missionary Union
Authors and editors will be present.
The event will take place Friday, October 21, 2022 4 p.m. at CIAM / International Center for Mission and Formation, Via Urbano VIII 16 / Rome Campus of the Urbaniana
YOU CAN ALSO PARTICIPATE WITH ZOOM from 3:30 p.m. / Rome time zone
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