72nd Anniversary of the World Day of the Holy Childhood

06 January 2023

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The World Day of the Holy Childhood was established by Pope Pius XII on December 10, 1950 and was celebrated for the first time on January 6, 1951. That is why this year will celebrate the 72nd Anniversary of this event that involves all children and teenagers of the world (although on different dates).

The theme that the International Secretariat of the Pontifical Society for Holy Childhood has proposed for the year 2023 is "Communion" since the Mission is done together. Children and teenagers thus become missionary protagonists of living and experiencing belonging to the universal Church and, by virtue of their Baptism, they are aware that we are members of a single body.

The daily commitment of every missionary child and adolescent is prayer and concrete help in favor of their peers, especially those who live in the Young Churches, and World Missionary Childhood Day is an opportunity to strengthen this commitment.

This is the same thing that the Star Singers do, who, sharing the Charism of the Holy Childhood Work, strive these days in many countries proclaiming the Gospel, bringing God's blessing to homes and collecting donations in support of the Universal Solidarity Fund of the Work.

This year the Delegation of Star Singers of the Swiss National Directorate, present in Rome to participate, along with other delegations, in the Eucharistic Celebration on January 1 presided over by Pope Francis, following the star like the Magi and announcing the birth of Jesus, also passed through the offices of the International Secretariats of the PMS in Rome; a great event for all of us who receive the blessing of the Lord door to door.