The liturgical commemoration of Blessed Pauline Jaricot

09 January 2023

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The liturgical commemoration of Blessed Pauline Jaricot has been set by the Church for January 9th. This year will be the first time in history that this memorial will be celebrated in the Universal Church, particularly in the Archdiocese of Lyon, where our foundress is buried. 

Pauline is thus immortalized in the life of the Church as an example of selfless dedication to the Church’s mission confirmed by a life of holiness and joyful surrender to the Lord.

Let us not hesitate to imitate the quality of her life and to pray through her intercession, especially when we are faced with formidable challenges in our service to the missionary Church.

Blessed Pauline Marie Jaricot, pray for us!


Father Tadeusz J. Nowak, OMI, Secretary General of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith