The Union of Sick Missionaries (Unión de Enfermos Misioneros UEM) in El Salvador celebrates the XXXI World Day of the Sick
In 1992 Pope John Paul II decided that World Day of the Sick would be celebrated every February 11, it is also the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes,
Patroness and helper of all the sick, to whom a wide variety of healing miracles of many dying people have been attributed.
Faith teaches us that sickness, physical, psychological and moral limitations, pain and poverty can be turned in our favor, as an added value, as a talent that the Lord places in our hands.
The UEM is a branch of the PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH whose members, men and women without distinction, respond to their missionary vocation, contribute with their activities and efforts so that the sick, the disabled, the elderly, can offer the their pain, suffering and prayer uniting them to the sacrifice of Christ; for the MISSIONS, the increase of vocations and so that the message of salvation of Jesus Christ reaches every creature.
In El Salvador, the celebration of this world day is very important. During this day all people are asked to show solidarity with the sick in their community, bringing them not only medicines, but also calm and Christian charity.
We pray for all those who suffer in body, mind and spirit who, with generosity and love, offer their pain and suffering to the Lord for the good of the missionaries and the mission of the Church.