PMS: All invited to the great feast of Jesus' banquet

18 October 2024

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A great feast to which we are all invited: Jesus' banquet. This is the theme of World Mission Day 2024, but it is also the leitmotif of the video made thanks to the valuable work of the National Directions of the Australian and Maltese Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) with the collaboration of many PMS Directions around the world. Missionaries, national directors and lay people involved in the PMS, and special guest Cardinal Soane Patita Paini Mafi, Bishop of Tonga, lent their voices and faces for this global PMS video, which is intended to be a simple yet effective tool for missionary animation and fundraising awareness on the occasion of World Mission Day. Available in the main languages, it will be translated into as many languages as possible so that everyone feels part of this widespread network that is the PMS. “Mission is to go and proclaim the Gospel. Everything we do is to make this possible. It is the Gospel that guides us and the task of the Pontifical Mission Societies is to raise awareness of the mission and at the same time collect the spiritual fruits and financial sacrifices and then redistribute them according to the needs of the local Churches - explains Archbishop Nappa, President of the PMS -. This vocation of ours also pushes us today to the frontier of re-evangelization of Churches of ancient Christianity, especially in the West where the number of Christians is decreasing”.To go, to invite, to proclaim the Gospel, to celebrate, to share, justice, joy and fraternity recur in the words of the protagonists of this video of about 3 minutes where images of the work of the PMS in some missions serve as a backdrop. “Evangelization is really about entering into the culture of the other to discover the values of the Gospel together. The PMS are a great treasure, also because of the synodality of their nature and tradition, with which they continue to work at the service of the universal Church and in the name and on behalf of the Pope -  explains Archbishop Nappa -. The most concrete example is the Universal Solidarity Fund, made up of the offerings of the faithful from all over the world, with which projects for mission Churches are supported”.