The Diocese of Wabag is located in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.
In most of the places reached by priests, catechists, religious and committed laity, there is a great lack of adequate government services such as road facilities, health, educational and social services. Most of our parishes are located in mountains and very remote valleys. In these areas, most of the children do not receive quality education. Therefore, the church plays a vital role in providing educational services, health services, and training children in the Christian faith to meet their spiritual need. Always in these areas, we have many schools under the supervision of the Catholic Education Agency.
We have encouraged the children of different parishes to participate in RI(Religious Instructions) activities of the Christian faith with retreats and Sunday schools, to pray every day in church for peace in their villages.
Various activities carried out for children at diocesan and parish level to increase faith and virtue:
- Basic Catechism and Religious Instruction to school children;
- Sunday school to increase their faith, prayer and highlight the importance of the different sacraments. Regularly the children pray the rosary in Sunday School;
- Encouragement of children to participate in Sunday liturgy in parishes;
- School and community Masses for children;
- Retreat for children in schools and remote locations;
- Retreat and formation for boys and girls Ministries;
- Visitation to families and prayer carrying the Holy Cross, Bible, statue of Mother Mary by children and people of the villages;
- Competitions of storytelling, drawing, drama, singing and questions for the children and distribution of gifts to encourage them.
- Children Helping Children is an annual program.
- Missionary Childhood is formed in a few parishes to discipline the children and strengthen the Catholic faith. Each week the children gather for their activities in the parishes. This is mainly to have holy families, holy priests and holy religious in future.
- Courses for parents and children on child protection and children's rights to stop/avoid abuses on the minors.
- Formation of lay people and teachers.
Teachers, priests, religious men and women and church workers are involved for the implementation of this project in parishes and schools.
More than 3875 children have directly benefited from this project, including boys and girls in remote villages and mountainous areas. Particular attention is given to children with disabilities, marginalized, disadvantaged, orphans and widows.
We would like to continue these activities in the future, in training children in the Christian faith and in living the values of the Gospel, because they will be the future leaders of the Church and the country.
In the video: Missionary Childhood Celebrating children's Day, May 31, 2021